Matthew 11:29 Meaning And Life Application

Last Updated: 19 January 2021

Matthew 11:29

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29 Meaning, Commentary and Life Application

Facts and Stats

Apostle Matthew, also called Levi

Writing Location
Palestine or Syria (Source)

Between AD 50 and 70

Greek-speaking Jewish Christians

In Topics
Bible Verses About Peace Of Mind
Encouraging Bible Verses
Jesus Quotes on Life, Love and Faith
Bible Verses about Worrying and Anxiety

Meaning And Life Application

The yoke is frequently used in the Bible as a symbol of slavery, of afflictions, of legal rituals, of the physical punishment of sin. When Jesus spoke about taking his yoke, He is referring to His own religion, and his way of salvation.

The point is thus that if you embrace his system of religion and obey, your life will be easier, for you will find peace and joy in serving the Lord. Every type of religion involves some type of restraint. Not only restraint from evil thoughts, desires and sinful activities, but also the requirement of following rules and laws. Many of these laws are actually very strict and not many people are able to keep them.

But Jesus’ restrictions and laws are mild, gracious and easy to follow. Comparing the gospel with other requirements imposed by men, the gospel’s yoke is easier. He frees those who are slaves to sin. He frees slaves from darkness, and makes people servants of the truth.

Believing in Jesus is easier than being a sinner, and of all burdens that men are forced to carry, the gospel is the lightest.

To take up the yoke of Christ means to become his servant and follow in his footsteps. It means to bring one’s life into harmony with the word of God. It signifies living a disciplined life of following the commandments of God. It means to take up one’s cross and follow Christ regardless of the hardship. It means to put Christ first in all things, to give up your sinful ways and to serve the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.

Life is much easier when you lay down your own desires and choose to follow Christ.

How to apply Matthew 11:29 in your life:

  1. Plan
    Check your life in light of the gospel and see if your life is reflecting Christ. You could also ask your family and friends for their input. Write down everything that you want to change in your life and then make a commitment to making those changes.
  2. Act
    Take baby steps when changing something in your life; don’t try to accomplish too much too quickly. Don’t worry about getting it right away; you will improve with time and experience.
  3. Check
    Seek out a community that will hold you accountable to your goals. Ask yourself if you are progressing in your life and changing for the better. If not, return to step 1.
Matthew 11:29 Meaning and Life Application

Pray Matthew 11:29

Prayer 1
Dear Jesus, You said in Matthew 11:29 to take your yoke and learn from you. And I want to surrender to your will and follow you in everything. Therefore, I come before you and ask you to use me in any way that you see fit. Help me live in a way that glorifies and pleases you. Help me live a life worthy of your glory. Help me live a life of purity, righteousness and restrain. Help me take up your cause and make sure it is followed to the end. Help me take up your cross and follow you so that I may experience the same joy as you did. Amen.

Prayer 2
Divine Father, All glory, honor and praise belong to you. You know me better than anyone. You know where I stand today. Help me to set my sight on the good and never forget that you are the source of all good. Help me keep my focus on you, and not on the sinful and deceitful desires in my heart. Help me have a pure heart that is focused on you and not on the pleasures of material life. Help me stay focused on the things that are most important in this world. Help me serve you with my words, my actions, and all my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.