101 Powerful and Motivational Joyce Meyer Quotes


God knows everything you’ve been through and He’s able to help and heal you.

Here’s a list of 101 amazing Joyce Meyer quotes to motivate you and help you understand that you have a bright new future in Christ.



1. Just because we don’t see anything doesn’t mean God’s not working.

2. God is changing you day by day and you can still enjoy yourself while He is working!

3. No matter how many times you mess up, God is always there to give you a fresh start.

4. Turn your situation over to God, because He can do more in a moment than you can do in a lifetime.


Joyce Meyer QuotesYou have to go through to get through!


6. God can do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond, but you’ve got to know who you are. You’ve got to know that He loves you.

7. You think when you’re having to wait, that means God doesn’t love you? Maybe God’s got something deeper in mind than your immediate relief.

8. Don’t underestimate the power of your words today. Line up your language with the heart of God, and enjoy the sweet, delightful healing it brings!

9. I have discovered that God will take my mistakes and turn them into miracles, if I continue to trust confidently in Him.

10. No matter what is going on in your life right now. Don’t lose hope. Your breakthrough is coming.

11. Just because you can’t see it yet, doesn’t mean it’s not on its way.


Joyce Meyer QuotesGod will give you the power to have peace in the midst of the storm


13. It is so wonderful and comforting to know that when everyone else only sees our faults, God still sees our possibilities!

14. Don’t just pray for God to open doors. Pray for God to close doors in your life that need to be closed.

15. It’s never too late for a new beginning in your life.

16. God’s grace and love will help you respond with gentleness and compassion when you’re tempted to return anger for anger. It’s better to throw water on the spark than fuel the fire.


Joyce Meyer QuotesTrying to meet everyone’s expectations is like trying to drain the ocean with a teaspoon


18. Stop determining your worth and value by what other people say. Be determined by what the Word of God (scriptures)says.

19. You’ve got just as much opportunity as everybody else. It just depends on what you’re willing to believe and how you’re willing to live.

20. The Word of God coming out of your mouth is stronger than anything that has ever been said to you.

21. When you are in a storm, remember that the rough weather won’t last forever.


Joyce Meyer QuotesGod loves you! He sees what you’re going through, He is with you, and He desires to help you right where you are.


23. God wants to “do life” with you. That means He wants to be involved in every area, on your heart and mind, all day long. As you give Him your attention, He will speak to your heart and guide you with His wisdom.

24. I’m not where I need to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be.

25. God can do more for you in a minute than you can do in a lifetime.

26. God wants to teach you how to rest in Him. Everything you do—raising your children, being a good husband, being a good wife, going to work, fulfilling God’s call on your life—it all has to be done from a position of rest.

27. I want you to listen to me, “God loves you.” I said, “God loves you!”


Joyce Meyer QuotesIf you start by being thankful for small things, you will soon have big things to be thankful for.


29. Character is doing what you don’t want to do but know you should do.

30. Worry sees the problem, but faith sees the God who can handle the problem.

31. Insecure people say “yes” when they really mean “no”. Those who succeed at being themselves don’t allow others to control them. They are led by their heart, not by the fear of displeasing others or being rejected by them.


Joyce Meyer QuotesGod has a plan for you – and His plan is much better than yours. So give yourself to Him and see what happens. I promise you won’t be disappointed.


33. Just because you’ve had a bad start doesn’t mean you can’t have a good finish.

34. God loves us because He wants to. Nothing you can do about it. He just loves you and if you want to miss out on it, that’s up to you but God’s going to love you anyway.

35. Be a blessing and you will always be blessed!


Joyce Meyer QuotesGod’s timing seems to be His own little secret. The Bible promises us that He will never be late, but I have also discovered that He is usually not early. It seems that He takes every available opportunity to develop the fruit of patience in us.


37. When we are insecure, we do things to be admired by people and feel good about ourselves, but when our security is in Christ, we do what we do through Him and for Him alone.

38. God can open doors for you than no man can open.

39. Anger takes a lot of energy, learn to control it and you can avoid a lot of stress.


Joyce Meyer QuotesThe greatest prison people live in is the fear of what others think of them


41. We can hide things from people, we can even hide them from ourselves, but we cannot hide them from God.

42. When you really know who God is – that He’s for you and not against you, that He loves you, that He’s the source of everything you need – then life gets really exciting!

43. When you are tempted to give up, your breakthrough is probably just around the corner.

44. Worry is useless, so why do it?


Joyce Meyer QuotesGod can completely restore us – no matter what we’ve done or been through. He wants to give us double for our trouble!


46. The most miserable way to live is to be controlled by your emotions. Emotions are not sinful, but to live by them is tragic.

47. If we are not thinking, hoping or asking for anything, we are cheating ourselves. We need to think BIG thoughts, hope for BIG things, and ask for BIG things!

48. Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him.

49. Don’t ever start your day without asking the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to do whatever is going to come your way. You can do whatever you need to do through Christ who is your strength, and He ministers to you through the Holy Spirit.

50. God was serious about me but there was a time when I wasn’t serious about Him. I finally got tired of having a mediocre life where I was miserable all the time so I got serious with God.

51. Every one wants to be an overcomer but nobody wants to have anything to overcome. You can’t have a testimony without a test!

52. What an honor to be able to say, “No matter what kind of problem I have in my life, I get to trust God. God loves me. I don’t have to live in fear. God is on my side and I get to give God my problems, cast my care, go on and enjoy my life while God works on my situation.”

53. Faith is sometimes a fight, and we can’t live by what we feel, we got to live by the Word of God. And I’m telling you, if you refuse to give up, your time of breakthrough will come!

54. Speak this over your life: “God, I give you my reputation. I’m not going to spend my life worrying about what people think about me. I am going to be free to be who I am and be led by You and do what I believe You want me to do, and whatever people think, it’s up to them.”

55. Put your expectations on God, not on people.

56. When you’re in a war and fighting a battle, and you have God as your captain, there’s no way you are not going to win!


Joyce Meyer QuotesGod is the God of the impossible and the One who can make a miracle out of any situation


58. Know that whatever you have to do today, God is going to give you what you need to do it.

59. Obeying God is the answer to straightening out every problem that you have.

60. God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle. He tells you to do things the things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end.

61. I’m not where I need to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be; I’m OK, and I’m on my way!

62. You feel the way you feel because you think the way you think.

63. Whatever you think your weakness is, if you give it to God, then He can do something with it that will just amaze the world.

64. Before I go to sleep at night, I like being able to say, “I’m not angry at anybody.” Don’t wait for the other person to make it right. Just go ahead and be first.


Joyce Meyer QuotesStop looking at what you can’t do and find something you can do, and start doing it by faith. You know why? If you will do the little bit you can do, God will do everything that you cannot do.


66. It changes everything in your life when you know that God loves you unconditionally.

67. When you forgive, you set someone free, and then you realize that someone is you.

68. If you are faithful to take small steps day after day, one day you’ll look back and be amazed at how far you have traveled.

69. Don’t spend your time chasing blessings. Chase God, and the blessings will chase you!

70. Don’t be discouraged about how far you have to go to reach your goal, but instead be encouraged about how far you have come.

71. You’ve been set apart by God to do amazing things. And better yet, you’ve been given the Holy Spirit to help you do it!

72. Don’t give up…the finish line is closer than you think it is!


Joyce Meyer QuotesJesus did not die to give us a religion. He died so that through faith in Him we could have an intimate relationship with God. Our worst day with God is still better than our best day without Him.


74. What we many see as a dead end, God sees as a new beginning.

75. Expect good things. Expect them. Get your “expectors” out of the back of the closet, dust them off and start expecting good things in your life.

76. Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.

77. If Jesus could satisfy a hungry crowd, just imagine what He can do for your hungry soul.

78. If you are angry at anyone, let it go right now and be happy today!

79. Let God be your Source of comfort. In the future when you are hurting, just ask Him to comfort you. Then wait in His presence while He works in your heart and emotions. He will not fail you if you will only give Him a chance to come to your aid.

80. I encourage you to focus on relationship with Jesus rather than the rules of religion.

81. Being sad won’t make your troubles go away, but being happy will give you the strength to deal with them.

82. Make a decision right now that you will never be satisfied with being anything less than all you can be!

83. Love your life because it is the only one you have!


Joyce Meyer QuotesA wise man always lets his mistakes educate him


85. Don’t waste your time trying to change people. If they won’t change for God, they ain’t gonna change for you!

86. There is never one moment in your life that God doesn’t love you!

87. Sometimes life can get you down. How do you keep your hopes up when your circumstances seem hopeless?

88. One mistake does not have to rule a person’s entire life.

89. I believe that one of the greatest tragedies in life is not to enjoy every single moment that God has given us.

90. God created us to please Him, which sets us free from the need to please people.

91. If you’re hurting spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, in your relationships… I want you to grasp hold of what I’m about to say: There is no area in your life that God doesn’t care about.

92. Stop despising where you are in your journey and let God use it for your good.


Joyce Meyer QuotesWhen we keep God in first place, everything else falls into place!


94. The greatest mistake you can make is to be continuously afraid that you will make one!

95. I love the Word of God, it’s what has changed my life, and it’s what will change yours.

96. You can suffer the pain of change or suffer remaining the way you are.

97. God is not going to tell you to do something that is beyond your ability-all He wants is your willingness, and then He will do the work.

98. God will always provides the way out at just the right time.

99. Let’s stop comparing ourselves with other people and trying to find ways that we’re better than them because none of us are anything without Jesus Christ. I like to say I’m an everything nothing…I’m nothing in myself but everything in Him.

100. The best way to stop saying wrong things is to stay so busy saying right things that there’s no room for the wrong things.

101. Faith is not the price that buys the blessings of God, it’s the hand that reaches out and receives it.

102. Don’t be afraid to wait with faith and patience, and not feel pressured to have an immediate answer from God.

103. Are you upset, worrying, or trying to make something happen? You don’t have to be! God has a place of peace and rest for you, and all you have to do to enter His rest is put your trust in Him!



Did you enjoy these inspirational Joyce Meyer quotes? Need more inspiration? Watch this Joyce Meyer Sermon about Leaning On God.

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Joyce Meyer Quotes